2024 Woolly Round Up

And just like that, another Shetland Wool Week is over! And what an incredible one 2024 has been.

We’ve welcomed around 1,000 visitors and Shetland has been a sea of colourful Islesburgh toories as people  travelled around the isles, taking part in the many, many woolly activities and events on offer.

The weather was beautiful throughout the entire week – which must be a Wool Week first. It was a joy to see people sitting outside enjoying picnics in the October sunshine, knitting and chatting. We’re sharing highlights from the week in photos below.

But first the answer to the burning question … the dates for 2025 are: Sunday 28 Sept – Saturday 4 October 2025

Get planning! Check out our handy video guides to help get you started.

What an amazing week!
Whether you were able to attend in person or followed from afar, or just want a peek at what went on, here’s a look at some of the many events that took place all over Shetland. It really is quite incredible to see how much goes on regionally, all fuelled by the enthusiasm and talent of the SWW tutors, textile experts, crofters, and more, as well as the many volunteers at community halls.

There was a vast number of classes offering everything from beginner’s Fair Isle through to lace knitting; Viking tablet weaving to dye workshops. If you weren’t able to attend, you can download this year’s SWW programme to get a full overview of what took place.

The ‘SWW Welcome’ evening was a great way to start the week, with the Doull family taking centre stage as well as a surprise visit from the Northmavine Jarl Squad with a brilliant performance of the Galley Song. It was quite an emotional moment for many! We had music from local Shetland Trad band Vair who had everyone’s feet tapping with their lively tunes.

Events took place throughout the isles from Unst right down to Sumburgh, with local halls pulling together volunteers to run woolly themed demonstrations and knitwear displays; music and social evenings as well as workshops. It was lovely to see their skills on show, and folk from across the world being genuinely blown away by their talent. Shetland Amenity Trust, who manage SWW, hosted a number of heritage activities, including the ‘Walk in Dir Shoes’ at the Crothouse Museum where visitors stepped back in time and had a go at carrying a kishie whilst knitting.

There were plenty of shopping activities, with visitors making the most of being in Shetland and having the opportunity to select different shades of yarn in person. Commercial Street’s shops had pulled out all the stops with some stunning window displays. Shetland Wool Week’s creative inspiration reaches far and wide! 

Shetland Wool Week wouldn’t exist without the amazing support of volunteers and tutors who work away behind the scenes and in their local communities contributing to the overall programme. The various exhibitions and teas taking place in various local halls is quite simply breathtaking and reflect the skills and talent of generations of knitters. These displays are not typically on show, so to see them all during one week is very special.

Spinning is always a popular part of the SWW programme and we had plenty on offer from total beginners and beyond.

So much to see: Man of ‘oo’ Oliver Henry from the Woolbrokers explains all about sorting and grading Shetland fleeces; lace on display at the Shetland Textile Museum; Mati Ventrillon shares her skills on Fair Isle traditional motifs and design; and Shetland Rams from Islesburgh Farm.

The Weaving Shed Gallery at Hillswick had a brilliant ‘Murmuration’ exhibition; where weavers also gave demonstrations on the art of tapestry weaving.

Lace classes with a view of Scalloway Castle; spinning with Jennie Atkinson; relaxing at the SWW Hub; having a go of a Viking helmet (as you do!).

The Sheep House Social (below) was an absolute highlight of the week with SWW patrons, The Doulls hosting a magical day. Following an archaeologist led walk from Mavis Grind to the Islesburgh chambered cairn and the Pictish Eagle stone, guests were welcomed to a transformed Sheep House for music, food, chat and displays. As the fire crackled away and everyone relaxed into chatting and knitting in the October sunshine, it was a perfect moment in a memory-filled week.

Thank you to everyone who made it happen.
We’re looking forward to 2025!

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