SWW Talks

We still have some tickets available for our late afternoon and evening talks. This year they are taking place in Mareel’s auditorium to give us extra capacity – it’s an ideal chance for locals to come along too and take part.

Mon 25th Sep, 4:30pm to 6pmShetland Heritage Through a Designer’s Eye With Helen Robertson
Join Helen Robertson as she extracts stories and legends from Shetland’s rich history and illustrates it with textiles and jewellery. Get a glimpse into her design process and original techniques.

Mon 25th Sep, 7.30pm to 9pmA Talk With SWW Patron Alison Rendall
Our 2023 Patron Alison Rendall will give a talk on the dialect names of Shetland’s wildflowers, inspired by this year’s hat pattern, Buggiflooer Beanie. She’ll share her passion for Shetland’s heritage – nature, landscape, traditions and language – and explain how she incorporates that in her work.

Wed 27 Sep, 4.30pm – 5.30pmExtending Life Of Knitwear With Hazel Tindall 
Hazel Tindall’s talk is all about extending the life of your knitwear. She’ll showcase a range of old garments and explain how they have been mended/changed to prolong their wearing life.

Wed 27 Sep, 7.30pm – 9pmAn Evening With Former Patrons Of SWW
Join Oliver Henry, Linda Shearer and Wilma Malcolmson accompanied by Terri Laura for an evening of Wool Week memories. We will have an informal panel discussion with opportunities for audience questions. Claire White will be there to chair the evening and keep the woolly conversation flowing!

All talks will also be streamed live, visit our Virtual Events page to book an online ticket.

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